Friday, July 30, 2010


Sunset City had their annual Sunset Days along with a car show they put together by Mr. Jamison I believe. Right behind the shop was where the event was happening. The turnout was good with an average of 100 cars.
Left to right: FF, Clint and Doug.
Kas, my six year old niece had a booth there and was selling flower everything! Ranging from head bands to pins.. she's trying to raise enough money to purchase a bed that looks like a tree house.
Before the car show we walked around the food vendors searching for a meal that will hit the spot. I had the Southern BBQ with Fast Frank and washed it down with a drink from Jamba Juice. Doug and Clint had Mexican food next to the BBQ pit.

When I was in high school as a sophomore I had a maroon 1968 Cougar aka Freddy Cougar. Every weekend I would hit up McHenry Ave (Cruising Strip) in Modesto, CA and when my friends couldn't find me around the neighborhood they already knew where I was at.. Some of my friends ended up calling me McHenry Kelly for few summers.. Remember this was before everyone had cell phones and I didn't own a beeper. This car brought many great memories when I seen it and I'm hoping one day to build another one.

Here are some of fav's from the car show.

We are looking forward to the next Sunset Days and will have a booth there along with our roosters of cars.