Thursday, January 21, 2010


I wanted to apologize to all our loyal readers out there for not updating as much in the last few months. We've been really busy in the studio with the showroom, the race car, clients, etc... I am really happy where I am at this second. I'll post more pics of the showroom in the next few days.

Frank had a vision how he would want a street/race car. Now that he reached his goal it's time to hit the drag strips with numbers we've been looking forward to all year. It's been a long time coming from a group of teenage kids cruising McHenry (google American Graffiti), street racing to our first CMI race in his DA circa 99-00. We worked very hard, and feel very grateful to be racing, and providing you guys with our services.

If you have any questions give us a call at 801.825.0659

It's safe to say that Frank is the first in Utah to have individual throttle bodies and to break into 300+whp!
From left to right: My younger brother Jacques, Ryan @ Element, Cortney, Camboner, and my brother Thom on the far right (Thom and Jacques are twins).

Ustream videos:

Big shout outs to Cortney Green for making it happen! Thom & Jacques for holding us down, the staff's at Element, and everyone who checked in on us on Ustream. Thank you!